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June 7, 2024 @ 9:23 am by JJCT Uganda Team

Can you help us finish our library?

Last year secondary students and their teacher started work on an extension to the secondary school administration block. It joins the administration block to the first classroom block on its right, making one L shaped building. The smaller room in the extension will soon be used as a library, and the larger room (which in time can be partitioned into 2 rooms) will be used by A Level students. The library is needed urgently – we are thankful for new textbooks from the government of Uganda (aligned with the new lower secondary curriculum)…but more storage space is needed to keep them safe when not in use!

Above: The administration block in 2019, and below: Construction work begins.

Staff and students began building the extension in August 2023, during the Term Two holiday.

A Level classrooms and below, space for the library.

This hatch (also seen below in the corner where the two buildings join) will allow students to easily borrow books, without entering the library.

Generous donations have provided for all the construction work to date. To finish plastering the ceiling, painting and fixing book shelves in the library we need UGX 1,695,000 (approximately £370 or $470).

Term Two has begun, a librarian has been identified, textbooks are in already in use (when not in boxes!), staff and students are ready to work…we just need some cement, paint, timber… and a carpenter! If you can help, our partner Hand in Hand offer different giving options, just make sure it is allocated to JJCT (Uganda) and note “library” in the additional comments box.

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